Bahamas Family Vacation March 2008

Photos 1 – 15 out of 49 | Back to Albums
Kris, Tricia, Mason and Anna strike a pose on the beach in the Bahamas The sign of a great vacation in the Bahamas Mason practices his flight skills Keep 'em pouring. Bahama Mamas, Rumm Runners, Pina Coladas. You name it, we'll drink it. Learning about all of the SCUBA gear and procedures in the pool My first breaths underwater Kris, Dad and Mike make final preparations for their first SCUBA dive Kris, Dad and Mike, rookie SCUBA divers in the ocean My first SCUBA dive on the beautiful reefs of Grand Bahama Island Kris doing his best impression of SCUBA Steve Mason and Anna got their faces painted at the Kids' Club Tricia and Mom psyche themselves up to go on the trapeze Mom "eagerly awaiting" her first trapeze attempt Tricia on the flying trapeze Mason gets into the circus act on the trapezePhotos 1 – 15 out of 49 | Back to Albums
Description: Mom, Dad, Kris, Tricia, Mason, Anna, Mike, Lindsey, and Lilyan went on a fabulous family vacation to Freeport Bahamas in March 2008.
Location: Bahamas

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This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
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