VIPeR Blog
Sat, 01 March 2003, 10:53 pm
The web never ceases to amaze me. I was perusing my comments at Haloscan which I hardly ever do cause no one comments on my drivel, **sniff sniff**, when I found a very curious comment in my archive. He got a hit on “job post to multiple websites.” on because my resume says “All 3 applications involved complex data-driven templates and interactions to accomplish productivity tasks like distributing a job posting to multiple websites, scheduling and maintaining recruiting events, and building Powerpoint presentations online.”
Well, I sent an email tonight to Ross Grossman to see if he still had a need, and to let him know that my employer -TMP in fact does have a product that does this. I’m eagerly waiting to see if my humble little blog generates millions, ok hundreds of dollars in sales. Then I’m going to write a thesis on ‘Blogging from work as an essential revenue generating activity’. Stay tuned.