
Our Dancing with the Stars Audition

Mon, 26 November 2007

Here is the long lost footage of our audition on Dancing With the Stars. My professional dance partner, Tricia Rzepkowski chose an upbeat ensemble from the 1970’s that shows reverence for the decade of our birth.

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The Smash Hit of Fall ’07 – Herme the Wormy

Mon, 01 October 2007

You know those songs you can’t get out of your head? They’re called earworms. It’s only fitting that my severe earworm from Friday through the weekend was about a worm named Herme. This was a song brought home by Mason from Mrs. Sero’s kindergarten class. Herme…baby…what HAPPENED???

Posted in: Kids, Life, Music | 3 Comments »


Mon, 20 October 2003

Ahh the blissful ease of use of iTunes. It has graced the desktop of my Windows XP machine at home. Once installed, I simply turned on sharing on my OSX box, then bing! up popped my entire library of songs that are on my Mac, available for playback on my PC. I’m SO HAPPY! Let’s forget the negative press from the Windows community. Apple has made networking and ease of use a reality in my household. Sometime maybe I’ll bite off poking a hole into my firewall so I can listen to my MacTunes at work.

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Music Online?

Wed, 26 February 2003

I’m just curious if online music is ever going to work. I’m sure that people were saying that when CD’s first came to market too. I was an early adopter of when you could load a CD into your drive and “Beam it” to them to prove that you owned it. Then they would unlock it for you, and let you play it from anywhere. Now you’ve got services like Rhapsody and Pressplay that are testing out similar subscription services.

I think my problem with them is not their offering, it’s the state of current music devices. For someone to feel like they “own” music right now, you’ve got to physically have it on one of many different harddrives in your digital music life. I’ve got one at work, one at home, one on my MP3 player.Then I still have my car CD changer, and my home stereo components that aren’t hard drive based. I’ll get used to paying 99 cents per song when I get to the point where I can have it in my own online harddrive, that isn’t owned by any particular music service, it is owned outright by me. It is my physical hardware that is broadcasting my music collection to me only, to any of the devices in my privately purchased world. The music quality can’t be like today’s “streaming” sound either (unless it is today’s broadband variety which sounds pretty good). Anyone have a better idea?

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Can You Hear Me Now? Good.

Fri, 21 February 2003

In my quest to have a completely redundant home computer, and actually surpass my PC with a far cooler Mac, I added another component to my G4 that I got from my dead dot com. I added these bitchin’ speakers. They sound incredible! $99, and worth every penny of my Christmas money. Now I can actually hear the sound in my iMovies, and I’m going to move exclusively to iTunes from my WinAmp PC crap.

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The Jackson Shnozz

Thu, 06 February 2003

It’s just too bad Michael Jackson is such a freak. He really is talented, and his early 80’s music is my favorite. Especially when I hear it play on the radio of my “Banshee” in GTA Vice City. But, I am so over his plastic face, and his reculusive lifestyle. For a guy that sings (sang) pop-music, he is awfully alternative.

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from kaboodle

This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
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