Three from the Tree

Sun, 18 November 2007, 7:37 pm

It was a crazy deer-lover’s weekend indeed. From the exact same tree stand where Terry put one down earlier in bow season and where I bagged a doe on November 3rd, came news this morning that Terry got a doe to fill his extra Deer Management Permit.

In the waning minutes of his weekend jaunt to Western New York, he said that a gaggle of does decided to poke around the mowed corn and bean fields behind him. The biggest of the group walked to 50 paces and presented a broadside shot almost like a decoy. Terry said that it was one of the best shots of his hunting career. Unfortunately I couldn’t be there for the great event, but I’ve got the picture to prove it. Congratulations Terry on a great deer donated to the Venison Coalition!.

Terry’s Doe from November 18, 2007
Terry Rzepkowski and his doe from November 18, 2007

Posted in: General, Hunting, Life
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  • 1 Terry Rzepkowski 19 November 2007

    What you don’t see in this picture is the seasoned old hunter standing next to me, yet he is there. I told my Dad who taught me to hunt that he was there with me today. I could clearly hear his voice coaching me the whole way. ” Son make that first shot count, take a deep breath and dont’ be in a hurry, make sure you get your cheek down on the stock and line your sights up, make sure of your target, remove your safety, keep your head down and squeeze don’t jerk the trigger.” Bang! one shot, that’s all I needed. Just like the old man, Thanks Dad for being there.

React: with wreckless abandon

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