A BIG Move – Georgia on My Mind

Wed, 29 August 2012, 7:02 am

I have come to another crossroads in life. After what has been a beautiful summer in Western New York spending time with family and friends, my wife and I had to make one of the most difficult decisions we have ever had to make; the decision to move. On September 4, 2012 I begin a new job with a different company, in a place far, far away from home. McDonough Georgia, about 40 minutes south of Atlanta is the headquarters of Bennett International Group, a privately held trucking and international logistics provider. There, I will work as the Managing Director of Marketing, helping to continue the story of one of the most successful businesses in the Atlanta area.

It has been a great run – these past 7 years. When we moved to Rochester from Chicago to return to our family roots, Mason and Anna were just 3 and almost 2 years old, respectively. They started elementary school here, and began to build close relationships with all of their grandparents and great grandparents. Within a couple of years, my sister, and both of my brother-in-laws and their families had moved to the area as well. We have had the opportunities now to share birthdays, holidays and special events in each others’ lives. To not be able to get together on a whim is something I will miss dearly.


Through our kids, we met many wonderful friends in our neighborhood and in their school. Lifelong friendships, and yet I know that we won’t be able to keep them all as fresh and vital as when we lived right next door. Saying “see you later” to all of them means something totally different now.

Next Tuesday I make the long drive to Georgia where I will spend 90 days getting settled at my new job and looking for a house and schools. During that time, Tricia will still be in Webster packing, packing, and packing, all while shutting down her business and helping the kids through “normal” school life. The times ahead are an exciting, if not tiring adventure. The times behind us are cherished. Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers as we go through the transition. Most of all, please come down to Georgia sometime and visit!

Posted in: Atlanta, Home, Life, Rochester
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Read: 2 comments on “A BIG Move – Georgia on My Mind”

  • 1 Dan mohrman 29 August 2012

    Good Luck to you and Tricia. You my friend will excel in your new journey. We are sorry to see you go! We are excited to hear about your new life. Keep in touch.

    The Mohrmans

  • 2 davis family 29 August 2012

    Amazing journey…thanks for keeping everyone informed and look forward to hearing more about your all’s ventures! Best wishes & be safe

    Davis Family-Louisville Ky

React: with wreckless abandon

nine × = 72



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from kaboodle

This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
more about me...





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