Communications Overload
Thu, 06 May 2004, 9:27 am
Apophenia describes where all of our behavior might end up. I see her statements as a reflection on the future of mass society. Now I know some people that are on the bleeding edge. They have their cel phone with IM, email, personal website, blog, membership in 10 Social Networks, regular phone, snail mail – many ways of making contact. As that bleeding edge becomes more of an everyday reality for people the social norms of courtesy are completely changing. Respecting your desire to disconnect from the Matrix should be akin to wishing you a good vacation. Go and decompress! Let’s be friends by not being connected. I won’t call that cel phone attached to your hip, I won’t read into your electronic silence. I will turn off my persistence gene. And if you decide to get together with me when you are on communications respite, well then I know that’s the ultimate sign of respect. When you come back I expect you to be tan and ready to hyper-connect 😉