Countdown to Baby

Thu, 14 August 2003, 8:42 am

Wow, I can’t bvelieve it’s been almost a month since my last post. It’s pretty much a result of 3 things. 1.) Being Mr. Mom as I actually pitch in around the house and allow Tricia her much needed bedrest. Baby Zip II is only a couple of weeks away now. We’re excited and anxious for all the changes that are sure to come our way. 2.) Work was hell for a few weeks. Covering for a co-worker on maternity leave, doing my job (and improving upon it), and a ton of clients needing stuff all at once. 3.) My life just isn’t that interesting right now. Besides completely re-installing my Mac for the second time in as many months, and painting our bedroom, I am really not that interesting.

So there. See you in another month. Not likely. We’ll have a baby by then, and other assorted fun to report.

Posted in: Chicago, Life
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