Glorious 4th

Wed, 09 July 2003, 9:31 am

What a way to shake off a bad week. We had a great time travelling to Western New York for the 4th of July holiday. My wife purchased a welcomed addition to our travelling entourage. With 6 hours of Noggin to keep Junior busy, we had a quick trip. I got to watch a couple movies while driving. No, it wasn’t dangerous, you just put in movies you’ve seen before and listen to 90%, watch 10%.

We went to my sister’s wedding shower at my parents place on Conesus Lake. We actually made bridal gowns out of toilet paper. Afterwards was the beautiful ring of fire – everyone puts up flares on their shoreline so it looks like…you guessed it, a ring of fire. Mason got his first taste of lake water, and I’m still convinced that I must have a home on a lake as my permanent residence. My parents and family spoiled Mason silly which was very cool.

Onward to Tricia’s parents, where we had outstanding food. Roast pork, deepfried turkey, pulled pork. Come to think of it we had a total pig out fest. Much beer was drank. Much Q*bert was played. Yes, Adam has a ROM of Q*bert on his PC. And Matt and I played it for hours, discovering the joys that 80’s gamers must have had. I never played it that much. Nana and Poppy spoiled the Mason, so he is just brimming with memories.

After an excruciating 13 hour trip home, we’re all tired, and afraid of the work that awaits us.

Posted in: Holidays, Life
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