Suck Week 2003

Tue, 01 July 2003, 8:23 am

It all started when we went to mid-Ohio last weekend and I picked up a souvenir headcold from my Dad that just won’t seem to go away. On the way back to Illinois I was slapped with a $108 speeding ticket – 74 in a 55. Then when we got home, I turned on the computers that we had specifically turned off so they would be “safe”, and found that neither my Mac or my PC could find their operating system. Strange. I wiggled a few wires and waved the magic wand on both, and they started to work. Unfortunaely neither of the 80 Gig data drives were working. After I gave up on trying to recover Gigabytes upon Gigabytes of downloaded music, and 3 years worth of digital photos, I decided to try and format the drives. Neither will even format!

Then on Thursday I topped off all of this good fortune by sideswiping a 1996 Chevy Lumina in the parking lot at the train station with my Dodge Durango. $1300 worth of damage just to my vehicle. Now that I’ve gotten all of this out in the open, I think I can move on, and start to have a much better week. Yippee!

Posted in: Chicago, Life
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