2009 Cub Scout Adventure Camp – High Seas

Photos 1 – 15 out of 27 | Back to Albums
Kris and Mason getting ready for our High Seas Adventure Austin, Connor, Mason and Nolan get a moose ride to the Nature Center At the High Seas Adventure camp where the USS LeChase is dry docked The flag ceremony at the High Seas camp Can someone PLEASE teach Rodd how to play Euchre? Even Dave's headlamp couldn't provide any illumination. The despicable pirates have forced Nolan to walk the plank. Fishing in the pond at High Seas Mason on the dock of the bay. Captain White aboard the battleship rowboat. He masterfully navigated dangerous seas with canoe paddles instead of oars. Brilliantly maneuverable against the slower ships in the Sponge Wars. This photo taken by Mason captures the rowboat crew as we head into a heated Sponge Battle. The opposing flotilla coming into range during Sponge Wars. Christopher doing his best to be as tall as his dad. Mason seeing what it is like from my point of view The dummy Zelda watches over the archery safety demonstration Mason received an award for being a good sport during the archery sessions.Photos 1 – 15 out of 27 | Back to Albums
Location: Camp Cutler

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