Best of the Holidays 2008

Photos 1 – 15 out of 60 | Back to Albums
The Thanksgiving feast at Agosti's. Poppy teaches Mason the finer points of pool. This is just to prove what a dork I am. Go ahead. Comment away. And Merry Kris Moose to you too. Tricia and the kids setting up the Chirstmas tree. Tricia with her 2008 ornament - a fitness girl Anna with her 2008 ornament - a ballerina. Mason with his 2008 ornament - a Cub Scout. Kris with his 2008 ornament - a scuba diver. Bird's Eye view of the Gannett newspaper collation area Anna striking a pose in front of a giant paper roll at Gannett Mason and Anna playing with the newspaper. Cub Scout Mason at Gannett Andy counseling Nolan on how to comb your hair like a Den Leader. Who rides a coaster in the middle of winter? We do. We do! Tricia with Frosy the Snowman at North Pole, NY.Photos 1 – 15 out of 60 | Back to Albums
Description: A few pics from Thanksgiving through New Years 2008
Location: Rochester, NY

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This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
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