Cub Scout Adventure Camp – Medieval Castle 2010

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A beautiful day for a convertible ride to camp. Standing at attention inside the castle. We had the whole place to ourselves - just 6 of us from Pack 107. There was a moose sighting. An outstanding campfire skit. It took forever for the boys to realize that there was a separate person behind the "head actors" controlling the hands. All excited for the Polar Bear Swim. The lifeguards have done this Polar Bear Swim just a few times, so they aren't quite as thrilled as the boys. Awaiting the ice dump. We were able to slingshot til our fingers bled. Dan keeps watch on the range Mason playing Robin Hood. Making the knightly tunics at the Castle. Mason is flashing the symbol for his clan. Mason learned to whittle at camp. That's all he wanted to do was earn his Whittling Chit. In the heat of the sponge battle. The camp staff invaded the castle, disabled the catapults and opened fire at point blank range. Our rowdy Pack 107 Castle defenders.Photos 1 – 15 out of 17 | Back to Albums
Description: Good times had by the boys from Pack 107
Location: Camp Cutler Naples, NY

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