February Fun 2008

Photos 1 – 15 out of 15 | Back to Albums
Anna and Daddy at 'Favorite Fellows Day' a pirate treasure hunt - ARGGGHHH Matey. Anna claims that I'm 23 years old and my favorite drink is beer. Am I supposed to have a problem with that? Anna helps Mason celebrate his 100th day in kindergarten Mason takes a snack break in kindergarten Kris installing the backer board for the mother of all crown molding My trusty assistant delivers painting service with a smile. My job in this family is to make the biggest mess possible. Tricia happily and joyfully installs backer board on the ceiling. What's a good fish fry without accordian music? The smiley ladies at Friday Night Fish Fry Who is this guy and why is he so happy after waiting 45 minutes to get his fish fry? Current Buffalonians teach us out-of-towners how to put away some wings at the Buffalo Sports Garden. If you see that Bills Labatt Blue Pint glass in my cupboard I have NO IDEA where it came from. Mmmmm wings...Mmmmmheartburn Our 2 snow angels. They NEVER fight or throw snow in each others's face Mason learns a new sport - soccer.Photos 1 – 15 out of 15 | Back to Albums
Description: Making the most of the frigid northeast in February

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This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
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