Pinewood Derby 2012

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All of the scout cars displayed for voting. Scouts vote on their favorite cars in 3 categories Running all of the computer scoring. I had to force this smile because that part is not that fun. Proud Cubmaster and Mason with his 3rd place overall trophy. Mason and Anna's cheering crew. A photo finish. That red streak was Mason's car. A view of the track. The boys cheer like CRAZY. Mason beside the track with his trophy. 2rd place overall in the Pack. Mason's 2012 Pinewood Derby car with his trophies. 1st place in his den, 2nd place overall in the Pack. Anna's Pinewood car that we entered into the Parent/Sibling race. She called it the "Pawfect Ride" Shocking that this car did well. When we built it I had it weighed by mistake in Troy ounces (hard to see the scale setting). At weigh in we were a half-ounce over weight. I tore into this car with a drill for 2 minutes trying to remove weight. Mason was crushed...until this car was his fastest in the 4 years he has been a scout. Then he was all smiles.Photos 1 – 10 out of 10 | Back to Albums
Description: Pack 107 Pinewood Derby 2012
Location: Webster, NY

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