The Zips Winter 2010

Photos 1 – 14 out of 14 | Back to Albums
Mason's Pinewood Derby car 2010. Pikachu from Pokemon. Anna's 2010 Pinwewood Derby sibling race entry. "The Mowshin of the Owshin". Real fake eyelashes and heart jewel eyes made Anna very happy with her Pinewood Derby entry. Mowshin of the Owshin is completely Anna inspired (and titled). This move may live in infamy. I was supposed to hold Anna's hand. As you can see in the pic, I'm on the ground, and she forgot to stand up. So I pulled her off the chair a second after this and she took a header. Comparable to my many stories of my Dad "pushing me" off the lift. My little ski bunny. Grandpa gets his first taste of skiing with his grandkids. Outside the Waffle House at Bristol. NICE air Andy! BEAUTIFUL day at the ski hill. Tricia showing off her parallel ski skills. Getting cheeky on the sled hill behind Nana's house. Nana, Anna sledding. It's a Flying saucer. Lookout! Make the best of Winter. Have fun on the swing!Photos 1 – 14 out of 14 | Back to Albums

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This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
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