Bruce Clay Interview: SEO Ranking is Dead

Fri, 05 December 2008, 4:42 pm

In the spirit of stashing useful web strategy video in a spot that I can remember it, here’s an excellent video interview by WebProNews with Bruce Clay on the future of SEO and how it will move away from ranking and placement.

Here’s the things I learned.

  1. Biased results based on web history: No two people will be able to look at Google results and get exactly the same rankings.
  2. Intent based search: The engines will decipher your search words and give you results based on whether you intended to shop or do research. How you design a page for one intent or another would affect its ranking in results
  3. Universal Search: Search will dive into video and images better than today. Sites with video, for instance will fare better. Doing SEO will be more than just keyword research and writing techniques. Text-based gateway pages would not be as effective, nor will linkbuilding have as great an effect.

Good stuff.

Hat tip to Cheezhead.

Posted in: Interactive Marketing for Staffing Firms, Staffing SEO/SEM
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Read: 1 comment on “Bruce Clay Interview: SEO Ranking is Dead”

  • 1 Brennan 15 December 2008

    Glad to see more talk about video playing a major role in SEO.

    I haven’t watched the video yet, but after reading your takeaways I plan to.

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