Farewell Staffing Industry, It’s Been Fun

Wed, 29 August 2012, 7:47 am

Today is the first day in eight years that I will not go to work as a marketer within the staffing industry. Next week, I start a new job as Managing Director of Marketing for Bennett International Group, a specialized trucking and logistics company based in McDonough, GA. It is an opportunity for me to change industries, although ironically it is one with a huge ongoing staffing concern – the recruiting and retaining of truck drivers. I will also be changing locations, trading working from home in Western NY for working from an office in a place that is 1,000 miles away.

It has certainly been a tough few weeks, wrapping up with Hudson, where I made many friends and learned a lot about marketing. I am proud of a great many projects accomplished from social media, to email marketing, events, 3 major website redesigns, SEO, SEM, CRM and a host of other acronyms. I worked with true professionals, and wish all of my colleagues the best in their continued pursuit of staffing greatness.

As my work changes, so too will the content of this blog. It will no longer be relevant to those who practice marketing within the staffing industry. Instead, I intend to chronicle my learning as I gain knowledge within the logistics and transportation marketplace. It is a mature market, but also one that is really beginning its path toward social media, inbound marketing and lead generation. I look forward to finding innovative ways to connect with the trucking community as we try to attract and retain the specialized workforce needed to move some of the biggest freight ever moved on the open road. As with any new job, I’m looking forward to all of the new challenges that lie ahead, and all of the new and interesting people I will meet. I have put myself into this situation to continue growing professionally. I will enjoy looking back a year from now to see all the new things I have learned.

I hope to maintain connections with the hundreds of people I have met in the staffing industry along the way. That’s what LinkedIn was invented for. If you are ever in Atlanta, give me a shout so that we can reconnect in person.

Most of all, wish me luck and throw in a prayer for me and my family as we navigate this transition.

Posted in: Interactive Marketing for Staffing Firms
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This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
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