
Wed, 03 July 2002, 8:12 am

OK, instead of reading the dissertation I just wrote on web accessiblity, rife with amazing insight, and groundbreaking ideas, you are reading a simple expletive. F THIS! websites that timeout suck! Blogger, you suck for timing out when I hit the post button. You suck for being as sucky as an IBM 386, that gives you the blue screen when you go to save your term paper. C’mon web people. The days of timing out and deleting data are over. You can’t expect people to contribute quality thought to the web if your input method SUCKS! If I had more time on my hands I’d develop the equivalent to “F’d Company” that would be “F’d Words”. It would be a warehouse of all of the Ebay ads that I have lost, the blogs that I have lost, the blood sweat and tears that I have lost. FYou Blogger! The days of copying and pasting my text out of my web text input fields are over.

Colophon: The text in this message was carefully crafted in the Blogger Text Input area, copied to my Windows 2000 clipboard and pasted into my blog window after receiving a timeout error.

Posted in: Blogging, Interactive Marketing for Staffing Firms
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This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
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