How to market a staffing firm

Mon, 11 June 2007, 7:32 pm

Marketing Profs has some interesting views. What strikes me is how many conversations about staffing firm marketing turn down the road of things an interactive marketer can’t do much about (easily). From the cold call approach used, to long-held beliefs that relationships begin and end with the recruiter, much of the discussion centers on fundamental staffing firm values and delivery process.

I do think that how our core delivery process is exposed online has the most potential to deliver a unique brand experience. For instance, I fundamentally believe online recruitment techniques that harness the power of online social/professional networks are a key to long term competitve advantage. The techniques are so much more advanced than what had been done in the apply-online based web 1.0 worlds, that it requires re-thought of the core recruiting process and values of the firm. The technology exists to reveal the rich intertwining of social and professional connections living within a staffing firm. It’s just that the process and comfort with the new realities do not. While there are many projects I’d like to implement that require intense change management. It is best to take the advice of many in this forum and balance those projects with a good dose of quick-hitters. I think I’ll call on Haley Marketing Group just to see what they bring to the table.

Posted in: Interactive Marketing for Staffing Firms, Marketing Strategy
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