Recruiting Animal talks Second Life with Louis Vong
Tue, 24 July 2007, 9:03 am
Sometimes media hits the target market so squarely that you just can’t help but listen. Recruiting Animal interviewed Louis Vong on the ins-and-outs of TMP’s SecondLife Strategy. Animal’s Howard Stern meets Jim Rome style coupled with discussion by former mates at TMP about a new technology that I find fascinating made for the perfect way to blow an hour.
Here are my takeaways
- Companies are poking around virtual worlds for recruitment with the help of people who already understand it
- SL is at most the next generation internet and at least a cool virtual meeting place to conduct business similarly to Real Life
- People are noticing that staffing firms have also decided to set up shop in SL
- The learning curve on everything virtual is going to take a couple of more years to become mainstream, but the wheels are already in motion. As the ease of use gets greater so too will adoption.
- TMP Labs is a catchy name for the folks that get to think out of the box without revenue targets. I’m not convinced that it is R&D in the Xerox Parc sense
I admire the team at TMP for pulling us all into conversations about SecondLife. From the same group that built a business explaining to people what this internet thing was in the mid 90’s, now they have a whole new technology to keep people mystified and spending recruitment ad dollars.