ROC Twestival: a Good Night Out

Fri, 13 February 2009, 12:57 pm

Last night, Tricia and I attended the Rochester Social Media Club meeting at Solera followed by the Rochester Twestival at German House.

My reason for attending these events is to get more connected in Rochester professional circles. I work from my home in Webster for my company based in Chicago, so I don’t get a lot of face time with pros at my own company no less others in industry. I just want to feel connected. For Tricia, this was an opportunity to get out and network for her business, and get some face time with her husband away from our 2 kids. Mission accomplished!

We met some awesome people. It’s refreshing to know that Rochester has such a vibrant and friendly professional community. The Rochester Social Media Club, lead by Susan Beebe, Mark Frisk and Nicole Black is a gathering of people interested in the use of Social Media especially Facebook, Twitter, etc. Really, it brings together people with a diverse set of professional skills and agendas. The best part about this group is that no one is pretentious, because really if you share a lot on social media, CAN you really be pretentious in the first place? Nope. I’ll hope that this is indicative of all Rochester business people. I think going to some of these events in bigger cities like Chicago would be a bit more uncomfortable than the people here make you feel.

On to the Twestival
All I can say about that is, what an amazingly well put together event for such a short period of time! There were bands, raffle donations, food, drinks, all in a top notch venue. It rivaled any charity event I’ve been to, and this came together in 2 weeks. Most organizations take MONTHS to put together something like that. Charity:Water for whom this event raised funds, could not be more worthy nor more creative with this whole Twestival concept. The only drawback is that it could have used a few hundred more attendees to justify the time and effort that Matt Ray and his team put into it.

Here’s why I think attendance was light.

  1. Rochester to begin with is a small-ish market
  2. The bulk of the marketing relied on Twitter whose adoption is still really small even when compared to Facebook. This will only get better next year, and there will be WAY more people that ‘get it’.
  3. People may have thought it was more about Twitter, than about a great charity, great music, and people. It wasn’t. Twitter was just the tool that mobilized a great many people.

The Rochester Twestival was a great event that rivaled any other city for its ability to provide a vibrant professional scene that motivates people to want to live and work here. Events like this thrive only with consistency and word of mouth, so I’d bet that next year will be even more successful.

Kris and Tricia at the Rochester Twestival

ROC Twestival image by @MatthewRay

Posted in: Interactive Marketing for Staffing Firms, Professional Networking
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Read: 7 comments on “ROC Twestival: a Good Night Out”

  • 1 Matthew Ray 13 February 2009

    Nicely done, Kris!
    Thanks again for coming to support the event and Charity:Water!
    Looking forward to see the final results of this Global Charity Event!

  • 2 Lisa Gordon 13 February 2009

    This is great! Definitely took the words right out of my mouth!

  • 3 Twitter…What is it, and Why? | 13 February 2009

    […] you @KrisRzepkowski for giving me Twitter lessons.  Here are a few thoughts from Kris! Blog, […]

  • 4 Steve Babbitt 13 February 2009

    What an awesome event! Then to hear it was put together in two weeks!! Wow! What a great charity to benefit. Thanks Matt and others for all your work!
    Let’s double the attendance next year!

  • 5 Michael 13 February 2009

    It was great to finally meet you in person. Looking forward to the next event! And yeah, I totally get where you’re coming from about working in a vacuum, there’s lots of talent here in Rochester…we all need to get some face-time occasionally.

  • 6 Aaron Newman 18 February 2009


    I just found you on Twitter. Great meeting you at the meetup last week. Hope to see you there again!

  • 7 Kris Rzepkowski 18 February 2009

    Hi Aaron, nice to meet you as well. Looking forward to more interesting conversations re: Social Media!

React: with wreckless abandon

7 + = eight


This is my Life as a 37 year old husband and father of two and my Work as Executive Director of Marketing at Bennett International Group in Mconough, GA relocating from home in Rochester, NY.
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